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< Kobi, Night Fill Team
I believe you need to set yourself goals, keep your head up high and always give yourself compliments.
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My Day

Split the load

A big job is unpacking cages and taking stock to the right spot on the right aisle

Fill for choice

Our customers deserve choice, so we fill our shelves with the widest possible product range

On top of the stock

Managing our stock – inventory, overs, sold out items – is just as important as getting products on the shelves

Tidier means quicker

A clean space is an efficient space, so we tidy as we go

Ready to serve

Helping customers any way we can – price checks, reaching for stock on top shelves – is all in a day’s work


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How I got my start

I was about 18 when I first went to Woolworths and asked for work. I’d just moved to Cootamundra, had no work experience and didn’t know anyone in the store or the town. I kept going into the store asking for a job.

And from day one, I kept asking if there was anything else I could do and said I was available when needed. 

Two weeks later, I was working 36 hours a week. I kept showing up early to work and I’d always go to team meetings to learn how I could do my job better, how I could be a little bit quicker. You start off slow, but speed comes with experience. You work out how to do things smarter.

I believe you need to set yourself goals, keep your head up high and always give yourself compliments. If you’ve done a good job, give yourself a pat on the back. I’m thankful to Woolworths for the opportunity to show my worth. I’m a massive advocate for Woolworths, even when I’m not working there.

What I've learnt
Work smart, keep calm
No one works well under panic, so even when I’m under the pump I like to focus on keeping calm
Safely done
Everyone in our stores – customers, contractors and team members - deserves to be safe, so I like to keep an eye out for potential problems
Attitude is everything
You need to want to do a good job and if you come in with the right attitude, you can’t go wrong
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